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Natur-Tec® biobased injection molding resins

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Natur-Tec® biobased injection molding resins are made with at least 50% of biobased/renewable resource-based materials, per the ASTM D6866 standard and are meant to enhance sustainability by replacing petroleum-based plastics.
Natur-Tec® biopolymer resins are produced using proprietary technologies and are engineered for high performance. Although most biobased, engineered plastics are not designed or intended to biodegrade – they aid in sustainability by requiring far less energy for production and by reducing dependence on petroleum as a raw material.

Natur-Tec® biobased injection molding resins exhibit the same properties as conventional plastic materials and can be used in applications such as: automotive components, consumer goods, electronics, medical products, furniture and packaging.

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