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compostable injection molding resins

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Natur-Tec® compostable injection molding resins are biobased and biodegradable polymer resin compounds and are designed to replace conventional plastic materials for injection molded plastic applications. Natur Tec® injection molding resins are manufactured using sustainable and renewable resources, per the ASTM D6866 standard which allows industry and consumers the opportunity to reduce or neutralize their carbon footprint.
Natur-Tec® resins are engineered for high performance and can be easily processed on conventional manufacturing equipment. Natur-Tec® compostable injection molding resins are designed to meet the requirements of international standards for compostable plastics such as the ASTM D6400 (U.S.).
Natur-Tec® resins can be used for injection molded plastic applications such as: cutlery, hangers, containers and packaging.

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